
Project Launchpad:

  • A subset of the Jewish Business Accelerator, is a professional collective who “pay-it-forward” by investing our entrepreneurial expertise and resources to create an incubator that drives organizational growth and transformation in our local Jewish Community. Through a merit review process, JBA Launchpad awards grants of $50,000 to $100,000 to the most innovative ideas that spur economic activity and improve the quality of life for Jews in our community. 

Why do we believe in Project Launchpad? And why should you?

We believe in a better, bigger, more Jewish tomorrow – for ourselves and for our kids.

But what got “us” here, won’t get us there.

We need to reinvigorate the professional, economic and social dynamics of Jewish life in our region.

Project Launchpad is our weapon in the fight to disrupt the pattern of a rapidly aging and increasingly disconnected Jewish community.

What does Project LaunchPad do?

We help Jewish projects and organizations by providing mentorship and financial assistance at key leverage moments where such entrepreneurial support can:

  • have significant impact;
  • grow the organization or project to scale
  • help the organization or project attain sustainability.

Small ideas are not overlooked, but impact requires scale, so they need the capacity to mature into endeavors with a large reach. We look for organizations in which our investment can leverage significant growth.

Who does Project LaunchPad seek?

We look for projects and organizations with unique ideas that are backed by passion and leadership and are driven by a detailed plan that ultimately involves strengthening and positively impacting our Jewish community. Rather than define potential recipients based upon a specific definition of a “Jewish” organization, we instead focus our resources on organizations that seek to have a significant impact on our Jewish community in one form or another.  

Who don’t we seek…

We help out, we do not bail out. While we acknowledge the importance of extending a lifeline to failing organizations, we can’t allocate resources to institutions on their last leg. Unfortunately, these projects are much less likely to provide positive economic impact on our community moving forward.

Why would applicants want to work with JBA’s Project LaunchPad?

  • Our award recipients retain full ownership over their organization and intellectual property. Because our awards aren’t loans, there’s nothing to pay back. We take no equity in exchange for funding.
  • Major societal impact: We don’t have the same financial incentives as most investors, so we can make impact investments that may take longer to provide a financial return. Our goal is to invest in a better future for our shareholders: the local Jewish community.
  • Coaching and mentorship: Our group, who have deep technical expertise and entrepreneurial experience, have been in our award recipients’ shoes. 
  • Minimal standard reporting: We provide templates for reporting monthly progress and financials.   No need to waste time crafting decks and building spreadsheets — we help our award recipients focus on building and executing their vision.
  • Freedom to operate: We’re not interested in driving the direction of our recipients’ projects; in fact, our goal is to align their vision with our expertise and funding. 

JBA Educational Forum & Social Experiences:

  • The Jewish Business Network currently offers, via zoom, monthly meetings on a range of topics.  While we have had some limited success in the past, the pandemic and virtual format is not appealing for many members. 
  • Starting in Fall 2021, JBA plans to re-launch its education year with 4-6 education events and another 2-4 social events, from Fall 2021 – Early Summer 2022.
  • Our most successful events in the past have been dinner time events, with food and open forum with local business leaders.
    • In order to grow our audience and impact, JBA is looking to professionalize these events, attract noteworthy speakers/presenters, and pair this with food and drinks and an exciting atmosphere.
    • Younger members will be drawn to a more eclectic offers, pairing socializing and learning in the same event.

JBA Business Directory & Newsletter:

  • As part of our programs, JBA will product a Member & Advisor Directory of all members.  It is important to give members the contacts our resources they will need to thrive in our community.
  • Four times per year, JBA will also produce a newsletter for all of the members of our community, which will include:
    • Agenda for upcoming educational events
    • Pictures and articles on social events and past educational events
    • Local business profiles/success stories
    • Announcements of grant programs and other upcoming services JBA plans to offer